
3 mar 2014


The historic center of Cologne is one of the recommended places . The streets of the town center are a sample of its ancient history . Doma Square , church or Major Street worth a visit. Càcul Street , a covered space that leads to the Plaza Major , is also one of the notable points of interest. Once in the Plaza Major , find one of the most important monuments of the town : the castle of Calonge. This fort was begun in the eighth century and is one of the largest in the region.

The castle is built into the urban core and the first building was located where today is called square tower , which is the oldest remaining part . Subsequently , the castle grew in size and in importance , and is an example of different architectural styles . The castle and the medieval walls are open and worth a visit. The courtyard inside the castle and open when activities are organized in the historic center of Calonge. A good time to visit is during the Medieval Castle Market for Easter, when the center of Calonge is filled with entertainment , flight of hawks and craft stalls that make us travel through time .

It is also advisable to visit the castle during the Feast of New Wine , Calonge when displaying your wine tradition and its relation to the vineyards and wine. The nativity scene at Christmas , also opens the doors of the castle, in the same way that during the summer Music Festivals fill the courtyard of melody.

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